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Oscar Bassett

Researcher: Jackie Boyea


            Oscar M. Bassett was a Civil war soldier that was born on April 5, 1823 in Dumbarton, NH to Rufus Bassett and Mary Smith. On October 1, 1846, he married Susan M. Scott who was born on January 8, 1828. He then had Clarissa Mary, his first daughter born on December 18, 1848. She then married George Andrews. Then, Walter Scott was born on October 29, 1852 Elizabeth Maria was then born on January 4, 1854. Later, she married Jairush H. Kibbe. Finally, he and Susan had Josephine Francis, born on January 20, 1857.


            Oscar M. Bassett was in the Twenty-Ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. It was a three-year enlistment. He was in Company A, as a private but would later leave the army as Sergeant Bassett. The Company and him fought at Big Bethel in June 10, 1861. Big Bethel was the first Virginia land battle where the Confederates won. The Union General was Ebenezer Pierce with 3,500 troops while Col. John B. McGruder and Col. D.H. Hill were the Confederate leaders with 1,200 troops. This battle campaign was part of the blockage of the Chesapeake Bay. Oscar and the rest of the living twenty-ninth witnessed the Merrimac and Monitor battle on March 9, 1862. The Twenty- ninth then battled at Gaines Mill on June 27, 1862. This was the third day of the Seven Days’ Battle. The regiment was under the principal commander of Gen. Fitz John Porter with 34,214 soldiers fighting against General Robert E. Lee and 57,015 troops. The battle was part of the Peninsula Campaign. The regiment also fought in the well-known battle of Antietam. Fighting under George McClellan as commander, the regiment was engaged near the Bloody Lane on September 16-18, 1862 with heavy losses. The regiment continued to fight until August 11,1865 where in Reedville, Massachusetts, they were paid and discharged.


            Oscar M. Bassett then returned to Franklin, Massachusetts where he was a livestock insurance agent on Emmons Street. He died on August 22,1901, where he left behind a wife and two daughters. His son Walter had died on October 1,1860 by inflammation of the leg. His other daughter, Elizabeth died on June 4,1879. Oscar M. Bassett in now buried at City Mills Cemetery in Franklin with his wife lain by his side.

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