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George Clark

            George Clark was a soldier from Franklin in the Civil War. He was a private in the 18th Massachusetts infantry in company I. He was 19 when he enlisted on August 24, 1861. Before he enlisted, he was a papermaker. He was the son of John Clark. The 18th infantry recruited people from the Norfolk, Bristol, and Plymouth areas in 1861. They were organized at camp Brigham in Readville in August and then went to Washington DC. They were under orders of colonel James Barnes. The 18th regiment was present at the siege of Yorktown, the first battle of the civil war. The first actual combat the 18th encountered was at the second battle of Bull Run, on August 30. They participated in the attack on Porter’s corps and lost 169 men. They did not fight at Antietam. On December 13, 1862 they fought At Fredericksburg and took part in the assault at Mary’s Heights, loosing134 men. They fought at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg without loosing too many men. They participated at the capture of Rappahannock on November 7. In 1863 some men reenlisted for three years, including George Clark. They fought in the wilderness battles and lost many men. They also fought at Spottsylvania, facing more heavy losses, and Cold Harbor, loosing few men. They fought at the battle of Petersburg as well. After Petersburg the remaining men were sent back to Massachusetts. George Clark was captured in Wilderness, VA and died in Andersonville prison on July 30, 1864 at the age of 22. He is buried in the national cemetery. He most likely died of starvation or disease because of the poor living conditions at Andersonville prison. George Clark was one of many Massachusetts men to serve in the army during the civil war, and one of many who died at Andersonville prison.

Franklin Historical Museum

80 West Central Street

Franklin, MA 02038

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