George Mann
George W. Mann was a part of the Eighteenth Massachusetts Regiment and Company C. George enlisted into the Civil war on January 6, 1862. During his time fighting the Civil war he fought in Fredericksburg, Second Bull Run, Shepard town and Gettysburg. Those were some of the battles he fought in. While he was fighting in Fredericksburg, Virginia he got wounded on December 13, 1862. He was out for a couple of years after that, but did re-enlist on January 1, 1864.
George was strong man, who fought for his country and beliefs. George was willing to give his life for the United States of America. At Laurel Hill near Spotsylvania, May 8, the regiment suffered another loss. On May 8, 1864, George W. Mann was killed at the Spotsylvania courthouse. George served three years fighting in the civil war. George had a family of his own. He had a son and was married. George gave up his life and family to go fight for the United States.