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George Farrington

Researcher: Hwan Joung


          In 1862, the north formed the Union and started the Civil War. This war lasted until 1865, and conveyed many battles and soldiers throughout the war. George Farrington, the son of Nathan Farrington and Julia Marfield, was born in Franklin Massachusetts. He enlisted in the Civil War as part of the Thirty-fifth regiment, Massachusetts’s infantry. George Farrington served under General Grant and was the first sergeant for the Thirty-fifth regiment.


          The army’s life was very tough during the war because of lots of diseases and amputations. However, Thirty-fifth regiment, Massachusetts’s infantry was organized at Worcester August 1 1862. Thirty- fifth had traveled many different places during short period of time. George Farrington was the first sergeant that was involved in many different battles. On September 6 -12, Thirty-fifth marched into Maryland and they were in their first battle in South Mountain Maryland. Battle of South Mountain was taken place in Frederick County and Washington County and Result of the war belonged to the Union. Then the Thirty-fifth regiment advanced to battle of Antietam. Throughout the battle, Union attacked and counterattacked swept across Miller's cornfield and fighting swirled around the Dunker Church. Union assaults against the Sunken Road eventually pierced the Confederate center, but the Federal advantage was not followed up. September 17, 1862 was the bloodiest day of the Civil War. Federal losses totaled 12,410 and the Confederates lost 10,700 men. Although neither of the side won a decisive victory. Following the Antietam, Thirty-fifth had involved in many other battles such as Fredericksburg and Jackson Mississippi.


            On May 1863, battle of Vicksburg has begun; Vicksburg was one of the important battles, which Thirty-fifth regiment had participated in. Vicksburg is the key. “The war can never be brought to a close until the key is in our pocket," President Abraham Lincoln said Southerners agreed. "Vicksburg is the nail head that holds the South's two halves together," said Confederate President Jefferson Davis. On May 22, Grant began a siege of the city. After six weeks, Confederate General John Pemberton surrendered, giving up the city and 30,000 men. The capture of Port Hudson, Louisiana, shortly thereafter placed the entire Mississippi River in Union hands. The Confederacy was split in two. Before, Thirty-fifth ended their journal in Petersburg they participated in many important battles such as Campbell’s station on November16, battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania C.H and Cold Harbor. All this happened in 1864 through 1865.


          Finally on June 9 1865, it was the last time that Thirty-fifth regiment participated in the battle. This took a place in city of Petersburg and Estimated Casualties was 120 total. The result was belonged to the confederacy and discharged from service June 27, 1865.

            Throughout the Civil War, Thirty-fifth regiment Massachusetts’s infantry lost 10 officers and 138 enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 officer and 100 enlisted men by disease. As for George Farrington the war did not end well for him. He did not complete the war with his regiment. Unfortunately he died on July 1864, he could only wish the Thirty-fifth regiment the victory.

Franklin Historical Museum

80 West Central Street

Franklin, MA 02038

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